Sunday, March 17, 2013

Desperately Seeking Lolita

It's hard to be Lolita in my town. It's hard to even get an idea of what Lolita is. I've met one Lolita in real life, seen two, and I cannot tell you how many hours I've spent online trying to get a handle on the whole idea- I was first interested in Lolita when I saw a couple pictures of Lolitas online. At first, though, I kind of dismissed it as just another pretty subculture. But then I read the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I loved it, thought it was creepy and terrible and loved it. About two days later, I heard the song "Gothic Lolita" by Emilie Autumn, and began thinking "okay, now I just HAVE to revisit this whole Lolita idea." About a week after that, I met a real live Lolita! In a mall about 40 minutes from where I live. We only talked for about five minutes, she liked my broken gothic dolly look of the day and I loved her bell skirt and curls... I think she was a Hime Lolita, she had a little tiara. Just so perfect <3 Apparently the Universe was conspiring to make me Lolita...

I think these girls are perfect.
I'm goth. I like certain elements of many different styles, from punk-inspired to Victorian Gothic to cybergoth. Gothic Lolita is my newest interest to add to the collection. If I could have two or three skirts, three or four tops and a dress or two, I would be very very extremely happy. It is not a style I think I could pull off every day, but I do love it quite a lot. Maybe one day I could wear it more often, but right now I just don't have time for elegance. I keep ending up in ripped skinny jeans and band T-shirts. But then I have made some progress- I have a bell petticoat and some pastel, high-waisted skirts to put over it, and I've discovered that some things I already owned can be converted to Lolita with minimal effort! I have a purple shirt with a ruffled collar, stockings, and cute black and white Demonia shoes:. I own also a few over sized hair bows, a cupcake necklace and various other small jewelry items that could be or are meant to be Lolita. One day I will own a lovely dress like one of these:
So basically right now I'm just keeping my hopes up! Someday I'll be pretty! Though sadly I don't know that I could ever afford some of the brand names, Angelic Pretty in particular :(

1 comment:

  1. I like lolita as well and I want some goth loli dress or at least skirt so badly...but I don´t like shopping online and it´s imposible to get something like that in my location. But I still like to take somedays little bit of inspiration from lolita, really just a little bit :D
    Never give up hope :)
    And I like the second and last dress the most :D
